Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy 100th post!

It is official now, I will be Mrs. Chad Graham on June 22nd, 2010 at 6pm. The bill has been paid, the rooms are reserved, my dress is on the way... well... there is still a lot to do, but the biggest things, in my eyes, are out of the way. Words cannot describe how excited I am; I am getting married!!!
Being a teenager, thinking about how I wanted my wedding, I never pictured having a destination wedding, let alone in Las Vegas. But now, I am 24 and I have changed. On February 25th, it will be 6 years years for Chad and I. I guess when you have been together for so long people think, "It's about time," but it shouldn't be that way. Chad and I decided to make a life together before we get married, spend time together, learn about each other; with the divorce rate as high as it is, why not be absolutely sure.
I think 6 years has given us a huge stepping stone for our marriage. Honestly I don't think much will change, of course we will be happy, but we are happy now, I guess my name will change, our taxes will change... Not much... I know that in the Bible and everyone's traditional beliefs say you should be married before you live together and such, but times have changed now and I think it has helped our relationship more than it has hurt it. You know? We have pretty much fallen in to the marital rituals, we have a bank account together (4 to be exact, that's how many they say there should be, 2 individual, 1 savings, and 1 joint), we pay bills together, he cooks, I clean, everything works in perfect harmony. The only thing we fight about is, "What's for dinner?"
So... on June 22nd, it is a big day for me, even though you think, "It's about time!" When we go to the spa for our massages that morning, and when I go to get my hair done, and my veil put in, my make-up done, and my dress put on, it will finally be time for OUR moment; the moment I have dreamed about all my life, the moment I have played in my head a million times. I think 6 years will make this moment more powerful for us. We have been through so much together, we waited for each other, we took our time learning about each other and now we get to seal the deal. On June 22nd, 2010, there will be a live broadcast at 6:00pm on the Caesar's Palace website and I hope that those of you who don't get to come will be there with us for our moment. I wish you could all be there. It's never too late to make reservations, the rooms are only $100/ night, and you get 10% off if you mention our names. Keep it in mind... If you don't get to come there will be a reception on July 17th, possibly at Pine Lake Country Club, not official yet.
I am so excited, not nervous, excited. He is the man of my dreams, I don't need to be nervous. My wedding dress is said to be here on Monday January 25th. There will be a private fitting with all of my friends. If you want to come... email me! I need some positive reinforcement on my dress, I am very self-conscious. : ) My cheeks hurt, I am so happy!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Thoughts, on my day off

It has been kind of nice to be out of school for a month to recuperate and spend time with family. But tomorrow it will be time to get back to school and back in the swing of things. No more sleeping in (until 9:00am), and definitely no more hiding from my computer. I am actually looking forward to some of my business classes this semester. I know I will look back at these blogs when I am all done and laugh. It seems like this has all taken so much of my life away but it is a stepping stone in the big picture of my life. It will be done and over with before I can turn around. I know there will be days when I wish I was in school. So let me suck it up and be happy, these are supposed to be the best years of our lives right?

I know school will definitely make the time fly and before I can turn around I will be getting married. June 22nd, 2010 at 6:00pm I will be walking down the aisle to the man of my dreams. We have decided to road trip our way home from Las Vegas for our honeymoon. We couldn't be more excited. There will be so much to see. We are definitely stopping at the Grand Canyon, Denver, Colorado, Kansas City (to see Hallmark), just to name a few. What better way to spend time together? Routes my change before we actually get there but it is definitely something we want to do. I can't believe in 5 short months he will finally be my husband...

So are you ready for some pictures of Charlie yet? Blah Blah Blah about life and love, let's see some pictures of Charlie! These pictures are mostly for you Bojo. We are so sad we aren't coming to Texas in March, so sad they had to postpone their wedding. We hope you guys can come to our wedding, if not, our party. I think our party is going to be on July 17th, 2010, but we will let you know for sure, soon. That's a lovely picture of me, but it's one of Chad's favorites, he caught us both catching flies... hehe

Charlie is about 25 lbs now, and he is almost 4 months old, he will be on January 14th. He goes for his last puppy visit on Friday when he will get his rabies shot, the last of his puppy shots, more heart worm medicine, very expensive kinds of stuff. Oh well, no regrets for us, he is perfect in every way and he is getting really good at some of his commands, "Sit, Lay down, Easy..." Completely potty-trained too, I haven't seen him make an accident in a few weeks. Once he has all of his shots we are going to take him to a dog-park, fun!!

He has learned to watch out the window, he loves it, and he doesn't like to be interrupted, especially by a camera. He doesn't bark to speak of. I was kind of worried about that but Chad says that most English Bulldogs don't bark a lot, soo... I guess that's a good thing. He's such a good dog, as long as he gets his walk everyday, otherwise he misbehaves. I can't imagine any other dog. Can you believe Chad is talking about a sibling for Charlie already? I told him we need a bigger house before we get another one. At least let me get Charlie through all of his puppy visits! Maybe let us get our new TV first. See... we were supposed to be getting a new TV before Charlie came around but when our landlord told us we could get a dog, the TV went out the door. So let's see about a new TV first, how about a new house too, oh... and let us get married, and go on our honeymoon, then we can "talk" about another dog. hehe

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I have been out of school for almost a month now. I struggled more that I ever thought I would. So... I have been boycotting my computer! I spent so much time doing homework on the computer that I associate school with the computer. So I haven't been on the computer at all the past month. No emails, no blog, no nothing. I just now looked at my grades, today! School starts on Monday so I guess I better check my emails and get back to blogging, back to 49er express. ugh... Life!