Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, Monday, Monday

So I have reached my Senior year at UNCC and I have to say it's been an ok semester but Mondays are rough. I am at the UNCC campus from 1:00-9:30pm. It's now 1:30, 8 more hours to go. But on the upside, only 11 more of these Monday's to go! It's been a rough ride, trying to obtain my bachelor's degree but I wouldn't change a thing. I've met a lot of people, and a lot of really great professor's along the way. I honestly don't know what I am going to do without school. It has taken over so many years of my life, I will probably be bored without it. 1 year from now, ask me...

I guess I better make my trek to class. Happy Monday all!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Getting Settled

I will be 26 years old in 21 days. Wow! I can't believe it! Where does time go?

This weekend Chad and I were able to get a china cabinet from some good friends for a great deal. I have not had any dining room furniture at all! All I have is an old table from work that we never eat on, it just gets piled with usual items. I have been so excited, preparing the area for this beautiful piece of furniture. Forgive me for not taking a before photo, or a "real" before photo. The space used to house two old bookcases full of magazines and books. I took a picture after I cleaned and rid the area of those unsightly bookcases. The TV cabinet on the left is actually being handed down to my sister who lives in Raleigh. So... don't mind that! I also took one with sweet Charlie. I think he hates it when I take close ups. :)

All of this making decisions about buying big furniture and finally putting away our china is making me feel more like I am ready to be settled. Don't mishear me. I am not ready for a baby, just yet. I just feel like I am moving away from my "unsettled" former self. I am in my senior year at UNCC and have actually started to take a peek into the job market. I am feeling more and more ready to be out of this phase in my life.

This morning we went to get the china cabinet, and a bookcase (we still need a place for our books, and yes I did recycle all of those magazines...). When my dad drove off from helping unload it, and I got the bookcase and china cabinet just where I wanted them... It hit me, I need more space! Could it be? I am finally ready to buy a house? Just another step into this unknown territory. I'm starting to get excited. I still have two very stressful semesters left but I am excited, excited about this new chapter in our lives. Here are a couple of shots of the area. We also bought a dining room table from them but can't get it until November because they are still trying to sell their house. So imagine that TV stand gone, the old work table, gone, and a real, and I mean REAL dining room table? I am sooooo excited!

So here are a couple of closer shots. I can't believe how many books I actually got on that bookcase. I am still working on my china. That's why you don't see any of it. I do have a vase out in my china pattern. I am so glad we registered for china (Thanks Shannon for talking me into it!). I don't know when we will buy a house, hopefully within a year. This task has definitely made me feel more ready for a house, and ready to be settled.

I can't believe I have reached this point in my life. Time flies when you're having fun!