Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Big Toy for a Big Boy

We will be celebrating a big day in three weeks; Jack's 5th birthday! It feels like just yesterday when I held him in my hand. He was right about the size of my hand, he had so much energy; I really thought I was going to drop him. Those were happy days for us. We went to see him every week for 9 months, until we could bring him home. He is such a joy in our life, I really don't know who we would be without him. A lot of people we know are afraid of birds, and let me tell you it took me a couple of weeks going to a bird store almost everyday playing with another macaw to get used to them. Most of the people in my family and Chad's have come to know and love Jack as there own, always coming over to say hey and visit with him. I think all of his family has made him the bird he is. Vicki, the breeder that we got him from says he is one of the best birds that she has ever had come back to her.
So to mark this momentous occasion we went out and bought Jack a new toy; a big toy! He has already torn half of it up. I feel sure we will have to order another one before his actual birthday. He has had a ball all weekend playing with his new toy. I am hoping if I order him an even bigger toy that maybe he might forgive us for being gone on his birthday. He is turning 5 on May 15th, unfortunately we are leaving May 15th to go see the Blue Angels, just one night though. Hopefully on the Sunday after the Blue Angels we can have a cookout for him, and make some birdy friendly kabobs. Maybe we'll bring him back a surprise from Beaufort, SC.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Insurance, more problem than it is a help!

A few of my close friends know that the past two days I have been "dying inside," not literally but it sure feels that way. For about 2 weeks now I have been battling some serious heartburn. I thought maybe it was something I had been eating or because of all of the stress, but the past couple of days I have been dealing with pain like no other. I have spoken to a nurse at my doctor's office and she suspects that it is my gallbladder. I have been under my parents insurance for about 6 months now and it hasn't done me any good.

I just want to say that I think there should be better insurance out there and more affordable for full-time students like me, and students just coming out of school. My dad recently got laid off from his job so our insurance has kind of been in limbo. I haven't used it at all except for my feet at the end of last year and now when I need it most the insurance company is giving us terrible problems. They have sucked money out of his paycheck for our insurance this month but they are saying that it has to be switched over to a "COBRA" plan before I can go to the doctor. So here I am in great need of a doctor's care and my insurance won't back me up. I finally need it, and they won't cover me. So for the past few days I have been in agony with pain in my upper abdomen and I cannot do anything about it. The nurse told me until they get it straightened out that I could take some mild pain relievers and antacids until I could come in. They are not condoning me not coming in, she did say that if the pain was at a level where I couldn't handle it that I should immediately seek care.

So here I am waiting it out, suffering. Chad has been a wonderful help, I cannot wait until we can get married. He takes such good care of me. Without him I think I would have had my way with the insurance company by now. It almost seems like a waste of money. You pay and pay and pay and never use it and then when you need it, they aren't there for you. I also wanted to say I appreciate all of your prayers, and your continued prayers are apreciated as well.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Pomp and Circumstance"

About 5 years ago, or maybe more I set out on a very long road. When I graduated high school and walked across that infamous stage I really felt like I didn't know what I wanted to do. I had decided to go to nursing school but in my heart of hearts it wasn't what I wanted to do. But I went and after 3 semesters, I dropped out. My parents were very unhappy so I went back, but to a different nursing school, so I thought well maybe I am meant to do this. I also got a job at Union Regional Medical Center as a CNA and worked there for about a year. It took a serious toll on my back and my feet, and I then decided that it really wasn't what I wanted to do.

So now what. 4 years wasted, but not really, I had an enormous amount of credit hours under my belt and I was becoming a very well-rounded individual. I had learned a lot of nursing skills, I worked in a hospital and I minored in Psychology without even trying. So I set out trying to decide what I really wanted to do. I went and saw a counselor to help me get on the right track. We decided that business was great field, even if I was in to art, business could lead me places where I could do my art. So now I was back at school and if I rushed I could get it done in 2 semesters and 1 summer. I took my time, I am not one to hurry. And guess what, I am finally done. After 5 years of schooling and 100 credit hours later, I finally got my degree. On May 14th I will walk across that stage. My fellow classmates say, this isn't the real thing, it's a waste of time. Well, to me it is not. It has taken so much out of me and I have taken so many classes and had so many sleepless nights when I was in nursing school, I am walking! So with my parents, inlaws and friends at my side, I will walk across that stage and shake the Chancellor's hand and move to the next stage in my life (which hopefully will only take me 2 years).

Monday, April 20, 2009

Red Letter Day

Every day before the rush gets started, I get down on my knees. And I pray, Lord, I need You here to guide me, please speak to me. And something happens that I can't explain, His Word starts talking to me, and I'm out to face this world again, I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day!
It's gonna be another red letter day, I do believe it's gonna be another chance for me, to take His word and walk by faith. I got a smile with every step I take, knowing He is here with me. It's gonna be a red letter day!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fishin' in the Dark

"Lazy yellow moon comin' up tonite, shinin' thru the trees, crickets are singin' and lightning bugs are floatin' on the breeze, baby get ready.....You and me going fishing in the dark, lying on our backs and counting the stars, where the cool grass grows. Down by the river in the full moon light, we'll be fallin' in love in the middle of the night, just movin' slow... Stayin' the whole night thru, feels so good to be with you..."

We went fishing yesterday at Badin lake. I wasn't really sure if I would like it or not. I have only been fishing for about a year now. I haven't really had much luck at any of the other places we have been, so why would this time be any different. I did have a stroke of luck at Chad's parent's pond and then I caught 2 4-5 lb bass, and a crappie. I was very excited, I had to work in the morning hours; I was constantly looking at the clock. Chad and his dad went to a local park to fish in the morning but had no luck, so I wan't sure how our luck would be in the afternoon. When we got there, I was very surprised, lots of banks to fish off of, lots and lots of room. It was very pretty too!

Then came the fishing part. I had so many lures that I had not fished with yet, Chad's dad is forever picking neat ones up and giving them to me. But, I haven't had a chance to use a lot of them yet because we haven't fished in a few months. So I suited up with a yellow Vibrax and found my place and went to fishing. Chad is a walker, he moves all around. His dad threw out a few deadlines, and caught a little bream right off the bat. So I kept the faith, Jesus said, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." (Luke 5:4) So I had faith, I was going to catch something. I had casted so many times and nothing; I closed my eyes, reeled real slow, and I felt a nudge. Then it jerked side to side, could it be? Sure enough I had one on my line. I pulled it in, I think Chad and his dad thought I was just pulling in some algae (there was a lot around), but, NO! It was a bass! I caught the first bass of the day!! Yay! I'm a girl, but I can catch some fish! God says "...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains..." (Matthew 17:20) Now I didn't move any mountains yesterday, but I caught a fish.

Now the fishing didn't stop there, I caught a little bream after that, and he fought harder than the bass did. I was catching more fish than the boys were, it was great. I think they were happier than I was. It was so exciting! After about 2 hours we moved to another location because Chad hadn't caught anything and his dad had only caught 2 or 3 bream, so we moved to a place on the road where we could stay until dark. We set up camp, there wasn't enough room for all of us so his dad set up around the other side of these trees and we went fishing some more. I hadn't been casting for 30 minutes and I had something else on my line. We were right on the road so there was a lot of traffic going by, and after a few minutes about 4-5 cops set up camp too, only not to fish, to do a license check. We were very amused hearing all of their trash talk, and watching them pull people to the side for breaking the law (for numerous things, like no insurance, no license, no inspection, etc). But, they all saw me pull in my fish, another bass! Yay me! Now I know you all are saying those fish aren't that big, well, they were more than anyone else was catching. I caught more fish than the boys. I pulled in another bream shortly after that bass. It was great, I had such a great day, and so did the boys. We went to dinner about 9:30 after fishing for 4 hours, it was so much fun remembering all those fish I caught. It's amazing what a little bit of faith can do. : )

Thursday, April 16, 2009

B Cam-Er-Ra

I have numerous cameras lying around. When I was at Northwest School of the Arts I decided to try my hand at photography, I knew I was good at drawing, but photography was a whole new playing field for me. My dad bought me a Minolta Maxxum "SLR" about 7 or 8 years ago, and when I met Chad I was still carrying that old thing around. I had never been to Charleston before and my family had gone without me when I was in nursing school. So about three years ago my parents planned a trip for my 20th birthday to Charleston. Chad thought it was perfect timing for me to upgrade to a more modern "digital" camera. So he bought me one for our Charleston trip. Now I have been carrying them both around. My digital camera is a rather expensive pocket Olympus camera with all of the bells a whistles, and I always revert back to my Minolta SLR film camera. Who cares? I know it costs money for film and such but it takes phenomenal pictures.

Chad keeps up with Moto GP motorcycle racing and there is an italian racer named Valentino Rossi and he has loved him since the beginning of time. We have a documentary called "Faster" about motorcycle racing and they interviewed Valentino and he looked at the camera and said "B Cam-Er-Ra" with his italian accent. Ever since then Chad has called my digital camera the B-camera.
I am getting ready to transfer to UNCC, I start in August, yay! And I am going to be an Art major so we have decided to make an addition to my camera collection. We went to Wolf Camera; they have always been there for my photography needs. I cannot tell you how much money I have spent on photo paper for the dark room and film. I was kind of torn between a Nikon and a Canon but a friend of mine in my Photography class has a Nikon and there are wayyyyy to many settings; which really makes me take a look back at my Minolta and how simple it is. I don't think I want a Nikon, I could not figure it out. I wish I could just put a digital screen on my Minolta and call it digital. Technology is kind of irritating. I think I have narrowed it down to a Canon Rebel, for the money I think it is perfect and I feel like it is a little simpler compared to the Nikon D-40. My next obstacle is to get Wolf Camera to give me a tripod instead of a free printer. hmmmm?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More Fun on Easter

I was downloading some pictures from Easter and thought I would share. My mom and dad were dying Easter eggs, I joined in a little... I took a picture of the better looking ones. We had "slate" color, brown, "sunset," it was pretty silly. My mom tried to make our own colors. Anyways, we had a good laugh!

My dad built this arbor for my mom a few years ago, and two years ago they planted a baby wysteria plant, and this year was the year, it bloomed! Chad and I got some really good pictures of it for her. It probably looks even better today. They have the prettiest yard! Maybe they might share some of that grass with us when they dig it up for the deck, hmm?

Also, here are some pictures of the pool. Dad is going to be building a deck this week and next since he doesn't have a job right now. Mom says he can do some much needed "projects" around the house. The pool sure looks inviting, doesn't it? The water is still very cold, you won't catch me swimming in it! Maybe we'll have a pool party for mom's 50th? hmmm?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Gallery Crawl

Another one of Chad and I's favorite things to do is to go and see artwork on exhibit. Well tonight one of my best friend's Mel, had two galleries up. It was great. Lori, Melanie, Chad and I all went to check it out. She is very talented. One of the shows on exhibit was her "Senior show," the theme was "dysfunctional family," and it was great! I loved it. It really makes me want to pursue something art related. I am meeting with an advisor at UNCC and there I will make my decision. It is a very strong passion of mine, and all the people who really really know me, know I am an artist. THERE! I said it, I am an artist. It is very hard for me to be happy with the artwork I do.

Anyways... the show! It was great! I love Mel! She is one of my best good friends and I am so excited to have her at UNCC for my transition. This was one of my favorites of her's, these little love birds, they were so perfect! She's getting her BFA with a concentration in Illustration. Which brings me to "Ima and Peg," some of her little characters. I love it when she brings her "toons" to share with me. I wish I had a better picture of the strip but you can check out her porfolio on

We had such a great time all of us! After this, I am sooo excited about being at UNCC, it really makes all that I have been through seem so worth it.From the left: Melanie Mason, Lori Shaffer, Melanie Jansen, and me, Beth Hagler.

Easter in the Great Outdoors

We had originally planned to go to the zoo on Easter but I woke up with a migraine. So we doctored my migraine and then later in the day we decided to head outside for a walk in the park. It was a beautiful day. We have been trying to hike several miles a day now that my feet are fixed; my doctor said all adults that are healthy enough should walk 3 miles a day (every other day, or whatever). We went walking in a new park, we've been there before but never to hike. It is called Frank Liske Park in Concord, NC. It is huge, many miles to walk, and lots of fields to fly kites, they have putt putt, lots of swings, covered areas for picnics, paddle boats, etc.
It was very nice. Afterwards we treated ourselves to a good lunch, then did a little grocery shopping.

Once we got home we decided to go over to my parent's house to spend the rest of the day. We all laid by the pool, and then we grilled out some hamburgers. My dad was showing us some of his plans for the yard while he is out of work. Starting tomorrow he is going to start building a deck off of the screened porch that goes down to the pool. I am really excited; more space for my mom's 50th birthday party!

It was a great day, even Bailey was sunbathing. Dad said that if it stayed above 70 the next 2 weeks, the pool would be warm enough for a swim, I did stick my feet in yesterday but it was C-O-L-D! 62 degrees!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday, Happy or Not?

Over the past couple of days I have noticed the number of people who don't even know the meaning of Good Friday. On Witness Wednesday on "Wretched with Todd Friel" no one he witnessed to knew what Good Friday was. Well, hopefully I can witness to some people who don't know and let them know it is the day that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sin's and your's. He was beaten, bruised, and made fun of, then hung on the cross for everyone to see. His arms were stretched out as far as they'd go, nailed to the cross, for the whole world to know, "I love you this much and I'm waiting on you, to make up your mind, do you love me too? How ever long it takes, I'm never giving up, I love you this much..." So now I'm at a loss, should I mourn or should I be happy today, because today HE IS RISEN, already? I think I am going to be happy today, because I am happy. I will remember however what he did for me, so I will sing of my Redeemer!

I will sing of my Redeemer, and His wonderous Love to me, on the the cruel cross He suffered, from the curse to set me free. Sing oh sing of my Redeemer, with His blood he purchased me, on the cross He sealed my pardon, paid the debt and made me free!

Monday, April 6, 2009

I love you Chad

I was experimenting with my camera in the dark for my photo project and I made this photo drawing for Chad. I used a very long exposure and a candle. Just with those two items you can get an awesome effect!
I love you so much, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Love, your Beeeeee (and I used my B-cam-er-a) You still give me butterflies... : )

A special week

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you." So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me." Matthew 28: 1-10

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pocketful of Sunshine

Despite the long weekend I have had, Chad can always find a way to make me smile. This morning before work I had a mound of laundry to fold. There is only just the two of us and it never ceases to amaze me how much laundry we have. I had been meaning to swap out my purse for a different one. I don't usually buy purses all the time like a lot of girls, I just have like 10 that I alternate between. So I had chosen one out of the bunch and stuck it in the wash. Well, in the pile of clothes to fold Jack happened upon my purse; he knows what a Vera Bradley is. Chad had been chasing me around the house all morning trying to help me feel better. He found Jack inspecting my purse and decided he was going to carry him around in it. We had a good laugh, and Jack had a fun ride. He actually laid on the bed in "his" purse for a couple of minutes before getting up. It was pretty funny. I love my boys so much.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cruisin' in 2010

Chad and I have decided to go cruisin' this time next year. We are going to possibly book a cruise to the Western Carribean aboard a new ship called the "Carnival Dream." We have been discussing going diving somewhere off the coast of Florida, and then someone mentioned, have you ever been on a cruise? We have never been but we thought it sounded like so much fun! I have been looking into it and everything is included (mostly), and there are so many excursions you can go on in each city. The one we have been looking at leaves May 1st and it is 8 days, 7 nights. It hits most of the major cities in Mexico. It sounds so exciting!!!! We decided we want to rent a car and drive to Orlando, and then rent one when we come back. We especially wanted to make sure that Belize was in our itinerary because they have the second largest barrier reef in the world. We cannot decide though whether to snorkel or scuba dive? Diving is only like $50 more, hmmm? This is what you could see if you just go snorkeling. The reefs are really close to the surface so I think that we will just snorkel and save money for another fun activity at one of the other ports. We have a year to plan. It sounds so exciting and the more we talk about it the more excited we get. We haven't booked it yet because there are some other cruise lines that sound just as great. We looked into Carnival first because we have only heard good things about them. Plus, they have new ships setting sail in September. We want to get all of the traveling to far away places out of our system before we have kids. We like to go on more adventurous trips; How perfect is this to have someone to take you to all of those cool places? And what better timing than this time next year. I have heard that May is a great time to cruise, so where do we sign?

Night Photography

These photo assignments keep getting a little more difficult. But, I think I managed to get a couple of good shots. I told myself that I would not, and I mean would not photograph the Charlotte skyline, but look what happened. I was having a hard time finding a safe place to set up my tripod and camera without getting yelled at by cops or security guards. I never got yelled at but I did get a lot of looks. Oh well! I did my project, that's all that matters. Now all I have to worry about is CRITIQUE (my arch enemy). haha.

I took a few of the tank underneath the moon lights. I am not sure if my photography teacher will like them but I am going to turn them in anyways. I have received all As so far, all he can say is, "interesting....."

I also went to Calvary Church and took a few.They all turned out phenomenal! The longer my exposure was the brighter the sky got. The night we went it was still raining outside so the street lights gave the cloudy night sky a brilliant glow. Pretty amazing. I think that this will always be a great hobby of mine. Many people I know have been saying that I should use my other artistic talent of drawing and painting. But I love photography, it is so rewarding, but I don't know if I could be a wedding photographer or anything like that, so I think I will just let it be strictly a hobby, that way I can be more artistic with it rather than being tied down.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Something's Missing

An emptiness has come over us. There is an empty spot at the foot of our bed. We have always had an urge to find someone/something to sleep at the foot of our bed, keep our feet all warm and snuggly. We've been in our house for almost 2 years, I can't even believe it. The longer we're here, the larger this hole seems to get. I think we want to make an addition to our little family.

We've spoken to several people about this new addition and we have come to find that we know a lot of people who would like to babysit. That's great! We're thinking that by Christmas, or on Christmas might be the perfect time to invite our new little someone to our family.

We want to make sure and do it right, we don't want to break any rules and go against what our landlord wants so we are going to do it right and work closely with her when making a decision. I knew it was time because the other night I was playing with Jack and he whispered in my ear that he wanted a dog(not really). We are going to look around and see what breeders are around and when they are going to have litters available. For now, we will pray that all will work out, whatever God's will may be, we will be happy either way.
Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4