Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fishin' in the Dark

"Lazy yellow moon comin' up tonite, shinin' thru the trees, crickets are singin' and lightning bugs are floatin' on the breeze, baby get ready.....You and me going fishing in the dark, lying on our backs and counting the stars, where the cool grass grows. Down by the river in the full moon light, we'll be fallin' in love in the middle of the night, just movin' slow... Stayin' the whole night thru, feels so good to be with you..."

We went fishing yesterday at Badin lake. I wasn't really sure if I would like it or not. I have only been fishing for about a year now. I haven't really had much luck at any of the other places we have been, so why would this time be any different. I did have a stroke of luck at Chad's parent's pond and then I caught 2 4-5 lb bass, and a crappie. I was very excited, I had to work in the morning hours; I was constantly looking at the clock. Chad and his dad went to a local park to fish in the morning but had no luck, so I wan't sure how our luck would be in the afternoon. When we got there, I was very surprised, lots of banks to fish off of, lots and lots of room. It was very pretty too!

Then came the fishing part. I had so many lures that I had not fished with yet, Chad's dad is forever picking neat ones up and giving them to me. But, I haven't had a chance to use a lot of them yet because we haven't fished in a few months. So I suited up with a yellow Vibrax and found my place and went to fishing. Chad is a walker, he moves all around. His dad threw out a few deadlines, and caught a little bream right off the bat. So I kept the faith, Jesus said, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." (Luke 5:4) So I had faith, I was going to catch something. I had casted so many times and nothing; I closed my eyes, reeled real slow, and I felt a nudge. Then it jerked side to side, could it be? Sure enough I had one on my line. I pulled it in, I think Chad and his dad thought I was just pulling in some algae (there was a lot around), but, NO! It was a bass! I caught the first bass of the day!! Yay! I'm a girl, but I can catch some fish! God says "...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains..." (Matthew 17:20) Now I didn't move any mountains yesterday, but I caught a fish.

Now the fishing didn't stop there, I caught a little bream after that, and he fought harder than the bass did. I was catching more fish than the boys were, it was great. I think they were happier than I was. It was so exciting! After about 2 hours we moved to another location because Chad hadn't caught anything and his dad had only caught 2 or 3 bream, so we moved to a place on the road where we could stay until dark. We set up camp, there wasn't enough room for all of us so his dad set up around the other side of these trees and we went fishing some more. I hadn't been casting for 30 minutes and I had something else on my line. We were right on the road so there was a lot of traffic going by, and after a few minutes about 4-5 cops set up camp too, only not to fish, to do a license check. We were very amused hearing all of their trash talk, and watching them pull people to the side for breaking the law (for numerous things, like no insurance, no license, no inspection, etc). But, they all saw me pull in my fish, another bass! Yay me! Now I know you all are saying those fish aren't that big, well, they were more than anyone else was catching. I caught more fish than the boys. I pulled in another bream shortly after that bass. It was great, I had such a great day, and so did the boys. We went to dinner about 9:30 after fishing for 4 hours, it was so much fun remembering all those fish I caught. It's amazing what a little bit of faith can do. : )

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