Monday, October 19, 2009

The Leaves Keep Falling

We live under about 8 big oak trees. Big oak trees equal about a zillion leaves. Our wonderful neighbors moved out a couple of weeks ago so we get to take care of the yard 100% now. I don't mind at all, it's actually kind of fun, until you bring in the zillion leaves that come to visit this time of year. I decided that we would rake our yard once a week until all of the leaves are gone. It's worked out pretty nice because we always have a pretty yard, not a leaf-covered yard. The trees return a favor to us when it's cold because they're like insulation to us , our vehicles are never covered in frost because of the trees. So... I guess it's ok that we have to rake every now and then. They keep our plants and house warm in exchange for cleaning up after their waste. People are saying we didn't get much of a fall this year, well, I don't think it's over yet. You have to have a few cold snaps to get acclimated to the chilly temperatures. I still think it's fall! I am going to enjoy my pumpkins and my mums for a little while longer.

This past weekend we helped Chad's brother and sister-in-law celebrate their 1 year anniversary. Time flies when you're having fun I guess. It seems just like yesterday that we were preparing for their wedding. They invited us out for dinner, hmmm? Maybe it should have been the other way around. I wish I could have invited them but then I would have felt obligated to pay for their meal, and goodness knows I don't have that kind of money laying around. I wish we could have though, maybe one day we can make up for our shortcomings. It was a lot of fun none-the-less. We went to a modern meditteranean restaurant at Southpark called M5. It was a beautiful restaurant and the food was just as good as the restaurant looked. I would recommend anyone to go there. We gave them one of our nifty pumpkins. I bought a couple and painted them a while back and people like them so much I have been painting them for everyone. Just give me a shout and you too could have a spider covered pumpkin. : )
I hope you all had as lovely a weekend as we did. We are looking forward to the weekend ahead. We play Vandy on Saturday which will be a lot of fun, and then on Sunday we are going to the gem-mine and Annual Hot-air balloon festival in Statesville. I hope you all have a great week! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the blurry photos. I haven't learned to attach my tripod to my hip. :(
