Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

We celebrated Thanksgiving with Chad's parents last Saturday. It was a lot of fun because we helped them decorate their Christmas tree. It is amazing how many ornaments you can accumulate over your lifetime. We celebrated with my family on Thanksgiving. We all played a hilarious game of Scrabble, there were some very silly words. My sister and I took the grand prize, we tied for first, both with 134 points. That was pretty good for me.
Chad and I were both off Thursday and Friday so we had planned to put up our Christmas tree because my school schedule is about to get really crazy because it is the last week. So we planned on Friday putting it up. After.... our Midnight Madness. We were unable to go to Midnight Madness last year because we were at the beach so we were for sure going this year. Since we have been almost every year we have learned the ins and outs of it. Never go at Midnight because you will never find a parking spot. So we went at 3:00am. It was very pleasant when we got there, we got a front row parking spot and there was no traffic to speak of. We got some great deals at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and Victoria's Secret. With a $60 purchase you get a "runway tote" full of a bunch of goodies. I spend $60 easy, their bras were "Buy one get one 1/2 price." It was a lot of fun but I was ready to see my bed after filling up on nutrients at Cracker Barrel. We were home around 8 and back in bed before some people had even got up. It is a fun tradition that Chad and I participate in every year.
By noon we were ready to put up our tree. Charlie has never seen a Christmas tree so we had to lock him up in the kitchen. He kept himself entertained for a little while. We decided to put our train around the tree this year, perfect timing, we have Charlie now. It took around 3 hours to decorate and I didn't even have to put lights on it. I just have 150-200 Hallmark ornaments and I have them all in their original boxes, so that took some time. Nothing beats Hallmark ornaments though, they are all so pretty and almost all of them have memories attached to them.
This year we decided to put a few lights outside. We have never done it before but it turned out really nice. We didn't do much because goodness knows we don't need a huge electric bill. The tree and everything turned out so pretty. We can enjoy it for what, 26 more days? That's kind of scary, 26 more days! What? Time flies when you're having fun, I guess. Especially when it is spent with the love of your life.

On Saturday after I got off from work we took Charlie on his first walk in the park. It was hard to get good pictures of him because he wanted to walk between Chad and I, right between both of us. So when I went ahead he cried like a little baby. As you can see. It amazes me, he looks more and more like an English Bulldog everyday. His face gets a little wider, as do his shoulders, and his little waist stays just the same size. He is so perfect. He had a blast, I think. He loved smelling the smells and meeting new people.
Chad's parents came over the same night to see our Christmas tree. By then Charlie's energy was spent. He curled up with daddy in the chair, and he was out. Every now and then he would get a burst of energy and show everyone his skills of pushing around a Frisbee. By the time Christmas comes around I think he will be ready for his skateboard. He amazes me everyday with new things he learns and how he changes.

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