Friday, February 19, 2010

Where are the Monarchs?

I think Monarch butterflies are one of the most beautiful butterflies on earth. Have you ever wondered where the butterflies go? The other day in anticipation for spring, we were filling up all of my bird feeders and my dad was hanging up my new blue bird house; I asked Chad, "where do the butterflies go in the winter?" Of course he didn't know either. The thought left my mind as I continued feeding the birds. I had nearly forgotten about it that night when I was getting out of the shower. I flipped on the TV to see what was on, and there was a program about Monarch butterflies. Sometimes I wonder if I am just a teensy bit psychic?? So, I put on my nice warm socks and climbed in to bed. Here's what I learned:
Monarch's go through four stages in their life cycle, all in one year. In February and March they come out of hibernation to find a mate. They migrate north and east to lay their eggs. This begins stage one of the new year for the monarch butterfly. In March and April the eggs are laid on milk-weed plants and it takes about four days for them to hatch. Two weeks from hatching the now, Caterpillar finds someplace to attach itself so it can start the process of metamorphosis. The butterfly emerges and feeds on flowers and enjoying the short life it has left which is only 2 to 6 weeks. This butterfly will die after laying eggs for generation number 2. The second generation is born in May and June and then the third generation in July and August, all going through the same life cycle.
The fourth generation is a little bit different that the previous three. These butterflies are born in September and October, only they don't die after 2 to 6 weeks. Instead, they migrate! They migrate to warmer places like Mexico and California. They live 6 to 8 months before starting the whole cycle all over again. Monarchs are the only insect that migrates to a warmer climate that is 2500 miles away. 2500 miles!! They cannot withstand the freezing temperatures elsewhere so they migrate south, just like birds for the winter. Did you know they use the same trees every year, usually in the same location! There is a small town in Mexico that greets them every year when they get there. They have sort of a "Monarch" festival to greet the butterflies. One day I hope to venture to Mexico around "the day of the dead" to greet the butterflies. I hear they arrive in the millions at a time. It's like a cloud of butterflies.
Now you know where the butterflies go, pretty amazing. God put a lot of thought into his creation. Praise God for the Monarch butterflies, I can't wait to see them in a couple of months!

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