Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fun at Hallmark

I have been at Hallmark for going on 7 years, even though I am just a sales associate this job is helping me more than I know in my accounting class. Thank goodness because I was not loving the Economics and you could see it in my grades. But, Hallmark isn't just a cheat sheet for me. I think I have met my best friend there. Where have you been all my life? I have a few great friends at Hallmark, Mel, Shannon, Amanda (even though I don't agree with her branding herself with her boyfriend's name), and a couple of people I look up to, Melanie, Judy and there's always silly Ann Marie (with her crazy hair), Barbara (I love hearing about all of David's kids), Sheila (has some interesting stories), Ellen (even though we've been bumping heads lately). But, Lori! You are my best, good, bestest buddy! Lori is a few years older than me but she has been more of a friend to me than anyone in my life. I have had friends in my life that stick around for a couple of years and then poof they're gone! I have a really good friend (Meghan) but she is a busy girl! I see Lori a couple times a week and we laugh, we cry, and we pee! haha! She listens to me when I need someone to listen, no matter if it's about changing my major again, talking about the wedding I've been planning all my life, or whether it's about movies (which by the way I rent all my movies from Lori!), or going to the spa! Which we are all going April 26th! If anyone wants to go the caravan is leaving April 26th at 7 in the morning. Lori also listens to all the mushy, gushy stories about Chad and I. She also listened when I needed her more recently through some difficult family times. She might think I am crazy because I am part Robin Williams, part Chiuahua, part Bulldog, part American Indian, part Queen Elizabeth, part salt-water fish, part macaw, and part Hallmark, so there are a lot of personalities there and I am sure she might get irritated sometimes because I think I am a little crazy. But, thank you Lori, I really don't know what I would do without you. I don't think I would be starting belly dancing in May, I don't know if I ever would have gone to the Spa at Grove Park (it was your idea that I stole almost a year ago), I don't know if I would be reconsidering a degree in some form of visual art either, if it weren't for you! You are my best friend and I hope that you will be a part of Chad and I's wedding because you mean that much to me, (to us)! I think Chad is just as happy as me because now I curtsy for you and not him (I may have scared him with that). If any of you have ever seen me curtsy, well, it's kind of funny! I have been watching "The Royal Family" on PBS and I saw how this lady curtsyed and I have been doing it ever since!

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