Monday, March 23, 2009

Photography Assignment

I have spent the last 3 weeks working on this silly photography assignment. Everywhere I go, everything I do, I have this huge camera attached to me. Well, today is the day, CRITIQUE! Chad and I have been all over taking pictures of everything. I have hundreds of pictures I went through last night, it took forever. Here are a few of the better shots. My assignment was Nature and landscapes. I wanted so bad to get a good picture of a black-capped chickadee. I have been watching little birds on my birdfeeder all weekend. James, my professor told me that we "probably"would not get a good shot of a bird. He was right, he said it would take many hours, with a tripod, hanging from a tree, with leaves taped to you to get good shots of birds. I was up for the challenge though, oh well. I am happy with most of what I did get. What do you think? When I do get that good shot of that black-capped chickadee, I will let you know. It truely is the prettiest little bird I ever saw, well, besides Jack.

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