Saturday, July 25, 2009

Unofficial Godparents

On Tuesday the Graham family brought home a new member of the family. Chad's parents were truly suffering from the loss of their bird Picasso so to help the healing process they brought home a new little girl. Her name is Gigi. I think Chad and I are the unofficial Godparents of this little girl. We LOVE her! I have always wanted a little bird as a friend for Jack but I haven't got Chad to say yes yet. One BIG bird is a lot of work. But, I have always wanted a green-cheeked Conure. Gigi is a powder-blue Quaker. I have heard a lot of things about Quakers and it hasn't always been good. But whoever raised Gigi did a great job because she doesn't bite, at all! We have been over there several times to play with her. She is so cool. I think Chad is starting to change his mind. Oh well, I don't think another bird is in our stars right now but I am happy being the unofficial god-mother. : )
Freddie their green-winged macaw was very jealous when we were all playing with Gigi, especially when we had the camera out. So I took a few shots of of him. Chad gave him plenty of attention, they played peak-a-boo for a while. Chad's parents made a little memorial area for Picasso, it is very sweet and turned out really pretty. I painted a bird that they bought from the store to make it look like Picasso. It's very sad knowing she's gone, and she was so young. But we will remember her forever and we will see her again very soon. It's amazing the holes that pets leave behind when they die. What would we do without them?

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