Monday, July 13, 2009


"What's your name baby? Mel-vin... I'm not desembling, that's my Hebrew name. I'm Galaxia, that's my German name..." ~Scene from Anger Management

What would I like for my German name? Probably just Beth. We went to see Bruno yesterday (no comment on that subject). There was actually a movie playing at AMC Concord Mills called I Love Beth. It was just Chad playing a joke, he had them write that up there for a few bucks, I should have taken a picture, naaa just kidding. But that would have been really sweet. I guess there really is a movie called I Love Beth. I think Beth will be my German name.

Ever since Chad and I have been together we have talked about traveling to Europe, but where we want to go first has changed probably ten times. I know we want to go to Italy but that is one of the most popular traveled by millions of other Americans. More recently we have talked about going to Eze, Monaco, and Provence, in France. Or to Copenhagen in Denmark. But... the one that follows closely behind Italy would be Germany. We have always wanted to go to Germany. We worked a puzzle of a German castle and ever since then we have always said we will go see that castle in person one day. It is called Neuschwanstein castle in the Bavarian Alps of Germany. So pretty...

Just so you know, we're not going anytime soon, or not that I know of. We have been doing date nights together since we spend most of our time at the gym during the week. Our date nights usually consist of dinner and a movie. We have vowed to eat at a new reataurant that we had never been to, every week. A few weeks ago we passed by a German restaurant. You don't see to many of those around. You normally see Italian, or Mexican but German? So we haven't said anything about it since then. Chad looked it up online to see if it was still even open. It is, and it is called Waldhorn. The food is all German, and all written in German. This is going to be interesting. I am very excited to try something new and even more excited to have a stein of beer. We are going to take pictures while we're there and I will post a blog about it. I will let you all know how it is. We're going on Saturday. For fifty bucks you can have a real German meal, a stein of German beer, and an authentic German dessert. Sounds like fun to me!

1 comment:

  1. I love that castle! I want to go see it too. Let me know how that returant is! :)
